I'm using golang as the backend for a medium-sized web app which has a few pages and a lot of CSS and javascript in different folders, I'm trying to serve the website using golang but only the index file loads , the other pages, javascript, CSS doest load. since my HTML files, all are different from each other I'm not using templates
here is the file structure
-css(folder with subfolders)
-js(folder with subfolders)
-pages (folder with differnt html pages)
func handlerequests (){
myRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
myRouter.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static")))
myRouter.HandleFunc("/transaction", transactionHandler)
my HTML files have links like these, (showing index.html)
<!-- CSS Files -->
<link href="./assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="./assets/css/paper-dashboard.css?v=2.1.1" rel="stylesheet" />
<!--JS files -->
<script src="./assets/demo/demo.js"></script>
<!--Main Script file for the page -->
<script src="./register_bundle.js"></script>
errors shown here
instead of"./assets...
, same with the register js file. – mkopriva./
altogether? – Hikash