
I have written an SQL query to return an Interactive report in APEX, and I would like to create another (classic) report on the same page that summarizes that report. The report gives test results, and I want to summarize it by grade level (so x # of As, y Bs, etc)

It's a complicated query that takes a while to run, so I'd like to avoid just running it again and using aggregation functions.

Does APEX store that report in a variable or table as it does variables (something like :TABLE_NAME) that I could just run a query on? I haven't been able to find anything on that in documentation or searching.



1 Answers


One option is to

  • enter parameters you use to filter data in that complex query
  • instead of running the report directly, create a push button and a process on it
  • that process should insert the result into a global temporary table (GTT) you'd, of course, have to create
    • why? Because it can be shared by multiple users, while everyone sees only their own data
  • interactive report would fetch & display data from the GTT
  • classic report would summarize data from the GTT