I am trying to create a interactive report with below query.
This runs perfectly in SQLPLUS but when I write this query in APEX and run the report, it throws error :
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
SELECT --count(*) --31335
hou.name ORGANISATION_NAME, asp.vendor_name SUPPLIER_NAME, asa.vendor_id SUPPLIER_NUMBER,
asa.country SUPPLIER_SITE_COUNTRY_CODE, ft1.territory_short_name SUPPLIER_SITE_COUNTRY_DESC,
case when nvl(asa.inactive_date,sysdate) >= sysdate then 'Active' else 'Inactive' End SUPPLIER_SITE_STATUS,
cbbv.bank_name BANK_NAME,
(select nvl(ppf.full_name, fu.user_name)
from fnd_user fu, per_all_people_f ppf
where fu.user_id = ieb.created_by
and ppf.person_id (+) = fu.employee_id ) CREATED_BY,
ieb.creation_date CREATION_DATE,
(select nvl(ppf.full_name, fu.user_name)
from fnd_user fu, per_all_people_f ppf
where fu.user_id = ieb.last_updated_by
and ppf.person_id (+) = fu.employee_id ) UPDATED_BY,
payees.bank_charge_bearer BANK_CHARGE_BEARER
FROM apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instrument,
apps.iby_account_owners owners,
apps.iby_external_payees_all payees,
apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb,
apps.ap_supplier_sites_all asa,
apps.ap_suppliers asp,
apps.ce_bank_branches_v cbbv,
hr_operating_units hou , fnd_lookup_values flv,
fnd_territories_tl ft1,
fnd_territories_tl ft2
WHERE owners.ext_bank_account_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = instrument.instrument_id(+)
AND payees.ext_payee_id = instrument.ext_pmt_party_id(+)
AND payees.payee_party_id = owners.account_owner_party_id
AND payees.supplier_site_id = asa.vendor_site_id
AND asa.vendor_id = asp.vendor_id
AND cbbv.branch_party_id(+) = ieb.branch_id
and payees.org_id = 101
and hou.organization_id = PAYEES.ORG_ID
and FLV.LOOKUP_CODE = asp.vendor_type_lookup_code
and flv.lookup_type = 'VENDOR TYPE'
and ft1.territory_code(+) = asa.country
and ft2.territory_code(+) = ieb.country_code
This error doesn't occur if I just uncomment the last where condition i.e " --and PAYEES.BANK_CHARGE_BEARER = 'SHA'; "
This last condition is not even a subquery so I am not able to understand why this is error is coming in APEX. In SQLPLUS everything works fine. Also If I run the query in SQL Workshop of APEX application builder, there also it works fine. Only during the time when we RUN the application it gives this error.
Also, If I remove this condition from the query the application runs fine, but when I filter on this value "SHA" it gives me same error. It works fine if I select any other value like "OUR".
Can you please suggest what I should do to avoid this error.