Reposting the question with better examples-
I have a table per_asg that has data like -
asg_number asg_status dept eff_start_date eff_end_date person_number
E45 Active Software 01-Feb-2020 28-Aug-2020 45
E45 Active IT 29-Aug-2020 31-Dec-4712 45
E47 Active IT 16-Jun-2020 31-Dec-4712 47
E49 Active IT 20-Jun-2020 31-Dec-4712 49
person_number eff_start_date eff_end_date Full Name
45 01-feb-2020 28-Aug-2020 XYZ
45 29-Aug-2020 31-Dec-4712 XYZ
47 16-Jun-2020 31-Dec-4712 ABC
49 20-Jun-2020 31-Dec-4712 TYI
Now when I use the below query -
select papf.person_number, papf.full_name
from per_asg asg, per_people papf
where asg.person_number = papf.person_number
and trunc(sysdate) between papf.eff_start_Date and papf.eff_end_date
and trunc(sysdate) between asg.eff_start_Date and asg.eff_end_date
Output i get from the query-
person_number Full Name
45 XYZ
I get the current data correctly. But I want to add a condition instead of the trunc(sysdate) to fetch ALL the future dates too i.e. 16-Jun-2020 also in the above query i.e. as of sysdate and future date. how can i change the above query to do so ?
OUTPUT I want i.e. trunc(sysdate) and any date i.e. greater than today's date should come in the output-
person_number Full Name
45 XYZ
47 ABC
49 TYI
syntax. Easier to write (without errors), easier to read and maintain, and easier to convert to outer join if needed – jarlh