For automating the creation of virtual machines, I generate the passwords for /etc/shadow from some Ruby code. This is done on the host. The host can be Linux or Windows.
On a linux host
"mypassword".crypt("$6$" + "123SaLt9")
which is correct and works for /etc/shadow.
However, on some Windows 10 hosts (since about two weeks ago on the machines of two colleagues) the same line of code returns
which, obviously, cannot work. (similar behaviour was observed for MacOS here
I overlooked that this function is platform dependent ( Besides the fact that it did work a couple of weeks ago, I assume that I cannot take for granted that it works reliably on Windows 10 hosts.
What I need is a solution that returns the proper password hash in MFC format on Linux and Windows 10 hosts. As I understand, the password part of the MFC is not just a base64 encoded result of generating a SHA512 but rather a much more complicated process (, Using ruby to generate SHA512 crypt-style hashes formatted for /etc/shadow?). I want to avoid to essentially implement the algorithm myself in Ruby. I did a couple of hours of research but couldn't find anything useful so far.
Any ideas how to avoid this problem on Windows, i.e. how to generate these password hashes platform-independently?