I am trying to understand the linux shadow string format, and convert the string to a general hex format, just like how MD5 is usually represented.
I was following the definitions here http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt
As described, the final step (step 22) is a special base-64 encoding, with re-ordered bytes.
I wrote a python script(my first python program) to decode the base64 then put it back to the original order.
But THE PROBLEM IS, the result is not the same string as usual SHA1 hashes.
For example, a password "123" (without quotes) with salt "456" will produce a shadow string
With my program, it generates
However the SHA512 hash of 123456 and 456123 are
None of them is the same as my result. So, is there anything I understood wrong about the shadow generation method? Or something wrong with my code?
my python code (input should be the base64 code, i.e. the string after the last "$" of a shadow string):
# filename: conv.py
import sys
b64s = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
bm = ( \
(0,21,42), \
(22,43,1), \
(44,2,23), \
(3,24,45), \
(25,46,4), \
(47,5,26), \
(6,27,48), \
(28,49,7), \
(50,8,29), \
(9,30,51), \
(31,52,10), \
(53,11,32), \
(12,33,54), \
(34,55,13), \
(56,14,35), \
(15,36,57), \
(37,58,16), \
(59,17,38), \
(18,39,60), \
(40,61,19), \
(62,20,41), \
sd_str = raw_input('Enter a Shadow String: ')
ba = [0]*64
ba_org = [0]*64
for i in range (0,21):
byte24 = 0
for j in range(0,4):
byte24 += (b64s.find(sd_str[i*4+j]) << (j*6))
for j in range(0,3):
ba[bm[i][2-j]] = ((byte24>>(j*8))&0x0000FF)
byte24 = b64s.find(sd_str[84]) + (b64s.find(sd_str[85])<<6)
ba[63] = byte24 #last byte
for i in range (0,64):
sys.stdout.write('%02X' % ba[i])