I am trying to utilize Sanctum for an API only application. I am not using it for a SPA. I have a single end point set up and protected by the Sanctum middleware. I am creating a user and a token for said user through the tinker cli tool. I then paste the token into Postman under the bearer token selection within the authorization tab. However, when I submit the request I get an unauthenticated error. Not quite sure what I am doing incorrect here. Followed the documentation provided very closely as well as the sparse videos I could find. Here are some code snippets. I appreciate the insight here.
class Authenticate extends Middleware
* Return 401 when not authorized
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return string|null
public function handle($request)
return response()->json(
Function from my controller
public function index()
return response()->json(['Success'],Response::HTTP_OK);