I'm currently trying to test an SPA using Laravel 8.19.0 and Postman 7.36.1 but I keep getting an "Unauthenticated" response from a route that's guarded by "auth:sanctum", even though I have logged in correctly.
As far as I can understand, I've followed the documentation fully at https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/sanctum in order to set Sanctum up to be used for SPA so I've done the following:
- Installed Sanctum.
- Published the Sanctum config.
- Performed a migration.
- Included the EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful middleware and '
' to the Http Kernal. - Added my local domains (same top-level domain but 1 with the "test" sub domain and another with "api") to the "stateful domains" option in the Sanctum config file.
- Set the "supports_credentials" option in the cors config to "true".
- Set my top level domain, prefixed with a "." for the "domain" option in the session config.
Then, I've set Postman up using the guide at https://blog.codecourse.com/laravel-sanctum-airlock-with-postman/ so I've written a script to get the CSRF token from "/sanctum/csrf-cookie" then used said token as the value for the "X-XSRF-TOKEN" in the request header and I can succesfully log in. however, when I try to access a route afterwards that's guarded by the "auth:sanctum" guard, even with the referrer and 'X-XSRF-TOKEN' being set up in the request header I cannot access the route.
After debugging, I can see that $this->auth->guard($guard)->check()
is returning false in the authenticate($request, array $guards)
method where $guard = "sanctum"
in \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate.php on line 63 because $this->user()
is null for the Illuminate\Auth\RequestGuard instance.
Any help or even ideas on things to check would be greatly appreciated as I'm unsure on what to do from here, short of spending a day digging deeper into the request guard object and its instantiation!