I'd like to make a simply job in cloud scheduler that would use my cloud function.
That's what I've done so far:
- Created a service account called "cloudfunction" with owner role (for tests)
- Created a cloud function job (lets call it JOB1) with internal traffic only, europe-west3 (that's what my gcloud app describe says), and as a service account I used my SA "cloudfunction".
Cloud Scheduler, I made a job with JOB1 HTTP and :
URL = JOB1s URL, auth method = OIDC, http method = get, SA = cloudfunction (which is linked in JOB1 as well) audience = JOB1s URL.
I've already seen some topics with similar problem, but in my case I have my service-xxx9@gcp-sa-cloudscheduler.iam.gserviceaccount.com IAM account, so it does not resolve my problem, restarting scheduler API too.
Similar topics which did not really help me in my case :
How to invoke Cloud Function from Cloud Scheduler with Authentication
Service Account User
? – guillaume blaquiere