I have created a Cloud Scheduler job with target to App Engine HTTP. The target URL is /admin/task/create-documents
I have an App Engine flexible running with java 8.
It works fine, but now I would like to secure the access to the servlet called by the Cloud Scheduler job (/admin/task/create-documents) to GCP developers only (usually referenced as 'admin'). I assumed the Cloud Scheduler job is considered as 'admin'.
Option 1 - didn't work
I tried to modify the web.xml file as for the standard environment, as mentioned here, but with no success:
The web.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
Option 2 - didn't work
I tried to modify the app.yaml by adding login: admin
to the handlers
section, as mentioned in the documentation here, but with no success either.
The app.yaml file:
runtime: java
env: flex
threadsafe: true
jdk: openjdk8
server: jetty9
- url: /admin/.*
script: auto
login: admin
- url: /.*
script: auto
secure: always
JETTY_ARGS: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=WEB-INF/logging.properties
instance_tag: no-ip
name: my-network
subnetwork_name: my-subnet
But I also noticed that the login parameter is deprecated, as mentioned here and here. They mention IAM policies but I'm not sure how I should configure them.
How do I secure the Cloud Scheduler job endpoint to 'admin' only?