I'm using Visual Studio 2010, which apparently has some buggy behavior on lambdas, and have this nested lambda, where the inner lambda returns a second lambda wrapped as a std::function (cf. "Higher-order Lambda Functions" on MSDN):
int x = 0;
auto lambda = [&]( int n )
return std::function<void()>(
[&] // Note capture
x = n;
lambda( -10 )(); // Call outer and inner lambdas
assert( -10 == x ); // Fails!
This compiles but fails at the assert. Specifically, n in the inner lambda is uninitialized (0xCCCCCCCC), but x is successfully modified to its value. If I change the inner lambda's capture clause to "[&,n]", the assert passes as expected. Is this a bug with VS2010 or have I not understood how lambda capture works?