Currently I am working on AWS Athena. We have a webpage which will be displaying the query results. The data stored in the s3 bucket is ingested as part of the data lake, AWS Glue.
From our webpage multiple requests/query will be thrown to the AWS Athena. Since this is realtime querying I am not saving the query during the process, with a lambda function I am executing the query passed from the webpage and then displaying the results.
Now I can see the result in json format on the lambda output screen, we are planning to fetch the output file stored in s3 and the push it to the webpage. The limitations that we are facing is that each query result is stored in s3 with a unique UUID filename, when multiple request hits how do we get that data from the s3 bucket.
New file creation idea was on my mind but for multiple request from multiple places at a time we cant use that concept, i dont find any athena api that gets the output file also.
The second thing that came to my mind was with the request id, but i cannot find any reference to the request id in the output file. Please suggest.
I am new to Athena service. Thanks in advance :)