
Is there any way to get the length of filtered items in the Vuetify data-table? When the rows are filtered the length of shown items obviously decreases and I need to know how many items there after the filter, because I need to update my external pagination component.


3 Answers


Assuming you are using vuetify 2.2.x you can use the pagination event of v-data-table.


to call your method

methods: {
  yourMethod(pagination) {
    console.log(pagination.itemsLength) // length of filtered/searched items in Vuetify data-table

the pagination parameter passed by the pagination event to yourMethod contains the following informations:

  page: number
  itemsPerPage: number
  pageStart: number
  pageStop: number
  pageCount: number
  itemsLength: number

I assume you're using search property in order to filter out your data. If so you need to add reference to your table ref="myTable". Then you can grab array of filtered items like this: this.$refs.myTable.selectableItems.

If it's some other filter method approach is the same - using refs.


I did it by putting a watch on my search field and the data that is being shown. I also had to add a timeout, because otherwise, it will display the current amount of records showing before the search takes place.

onSearchChanged() {
  setTimeout(() => {
    const table = (this.$refs.dynamoTable as any);
    this.filteredItemCount = table?.itemsLength || 0;
  }, 1200);

I did this, so that I could show search hint.

get searchHint(): string {
  const count = this.filteredItemCount;
  const total = (this.table.data?.length)
    ? this.table.data.length
    : 0;

  return this.$t('search_records', { count, total });

It then shows up correctly on my search text field as a search hint.

<v-text-field class="ml-2"
  :disabled="!table.data || !table.data.length"

This is on version 1.5.24 of Vuetify.