This is sqlite3 which excludes other solutions I've read here for other SQL implementations.
I have a table "DR" which has, among other data, columns for "month" (1-12 without the zero padding) and "year" (yyyy) which are both text columns.
I want to retrieve all of the lines where the month/year are between two particular pairings, eg from year 2017 month 6 through year 2020 month 4. Those 4 values are also coming in (from python) as text with no padding on the month. I want to be sure to also handle the case of less than a full year, eg 2017 month 2 through 2017 month 10.
I figured out how to do it by brute force with an absurd number of ORs and never touching an actual date-related function, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to do it that took advantage of sql actually understanding a date being greater or lesser than another date with rolling month numbers across year boundaries.
Thank you for any help you can provide!
string. Lots of results searching withpython sqlite3 dates
– wwii