I'm tring to get a body response from a RESTFUL API using Node.js and it's "request" lib to send a GET request. Here's the code:
const request = require('request');
const url = 'https://myurl.com';
const headers = {
'x-functions-key': 'mysecretkey'
request.get(`${url}${headers}`, (err, response, body) =>{
if (err){
But when I run "node myfile" I get no response from the body, the console return is blank. I think I'm missing something. I've tested the URL and key with Postman and it's working fine, the JSON response appears to me there. Obs.: I'm new to Node, tried with this tutorial: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/08/http-requests-in-node-js.html. The "url" and "key are masked here for security reasons. Any help is fine to me, I'm grateful.