I'm trying to create a function that gets the sum of the square of the larger 2 of 3 numbers passed in. (Its exercise 1.3 in SICP)
When I run the following code I get the error ";The object #f is not applicable." If I switch the 3 and the 1 in my function call the error message will say #t instead of #f.
(define (sumOfSquareOfLargerTwoNumbers a b c) (
cond (
( (and (> (+ a b) (+ a c) ) (> (+ a b) (+ b c) ) ) (+ (square a) (square b) ) )
( (and (> (+ a c) (+ a b) ) (> (+ a c) (+ b c) ) ) (+ (square a) (square c) ) )
( (and (> (+ b c) (+ a b) ) (> (+ b c) (+ a c) ) ) (+ (square b) (square c) ) )
(sumOfSquareOfLargerTwoNumbers 1 2 3)
I was assuming the appropriate condition would return true and I'd get the square of the larger two numbers. Could someone please explain why I'm getting this error instead?