
I'm using the Azure Python SDK to provision resources in Azure. I see that for resource groups and key vaults, the api has create_or_update methods, but for storage accounts, I can only find a create method. Right now things are provisioning ok initially, but I'm interested in testing out how they update resources which were previously provisioned. Am I missing something or is there no option to call a create_or_update for storage accounts?

Thanks much!

Can you provide a link of the SDK you're using?Ivan Yang
Hello @IvanYang. This is the SDK: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-mgmt-storage/… Thanks!!208_man

1 Answers


There's an update operation available for storage accounts. From the documentation link:

The update operation can be used to update the SKU, encryption, access tier, or tags for a storage account. It can also be used to map the account to a custom domain. Only one custom domain is supported per storage account; the replacement/change of custom domain is not supported. In order to replace an old custom domain, the old value must be cleared/unregistered before a new value can be set. The update of multiple properties is supported. This call does not change the storage keys for the account. If you want to change the storage account keys, use the regenerate keys operation. The location and name of the storage account cannot be changed after creation.

update(resource_group_name, account_name, parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)