
I want to create tag on each resource in Azure using python.

I see this module in the docs: http://azure-sdk-for-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref/azure.mgmt.resource.resources.operations.html#azure.mgmt.resource.resources.operations.TagsOperations

create_or_update: Create a subscription resource tag list: Get a list of subscription resource tags

Seems like I can only do tag operations on resource group and not resource?


To add a tag to a resource group: Set-AzureRmResourceGroup add tags to a resource: Set-AzureRmResource


Thanks for the api lookup code, very neat. But I believe the old api that I manually put should also work. I tried your code with little modification(we might have different Azure SDK, I am using 2.0.0rc5). After adding the api function(very helpful), I still have the same error unfortunately.

from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient

def resolve_resource_api(client, resource):
    """ This method retrieves the latest non-preview api version for
    the given resource (unless the preview version is the only available
    api version) """
    provider = client.providers.get(resource.id.split('/')[6])
    rt = next((t for t in provider.resource_types
               if t.resource_type == '/'.join(resource.type.split('/')[1:])), None)
    if rt and 'api_versions' in rt.__dict__:
        #api_version = [v for v in rt[0].api_versions if 'preview' not in v.lower()]
        #return npv[0] if npv else rt[0].api_versions[0]
        api_version = [v for v in rt.__dict__['api_versions'] if 'preview' not in v.lower()]
        return api_version[0] if api_version else rt.__dict__['api_versions'][0]

credentials = UserPassCredentials(
    '****@****.com',    # Your new user
    '******',  # Your password

subscription_id= '*****-***-****-****-*******'

resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials,

for resource in resource_client.resources.list():
    #print(resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
    if resource.id.split('/')[4] == 'Build':
        #resource.tags = {'foo':'bar'}
        if resource.type == 'Microsoft.Web/sites':
            print('resource.id: ', resource.id)
            print('resource_group_name: ', resource.id.split('/')[4])
            print('resource_provider_namespace: ', resource.id.split('/')[6])
            print('parent_resource_path: ', '')
            print('resource_type: ', str(resource.type).split('/')[-1])
            print('resource_name: ', resource.name)
            print('api_version: ', resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
            resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'

            #print(resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
                resource_group_name= resource.id.split('/')[4], # Extract from resource.id
                resource_provider_namespace=resource.id.split('/')[6], # Extract from resource.id
                parent_resource_path='', # Extract from resource.id
                resource_type=str(resource.type).split('/')[-1], # Extract from resource type
                api_version=resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource),

Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python35-32\Scripts\Azure\temp.py", line 56, in parameters=resource File "C:\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\azure\mgmt\resource\resources\operations\resources_operations.py", line 408, in create_or_update raise exp msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError: Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/--***-*****-*******/resourcegroups/Build/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/build-dev?api-version=2016-03-01

I worked more and found the I am able to use the create_or_update method in the following way:

from azure.mgmt.resource.resources.models import GenericResource
        location='West US',

And the response error message with your code example says that "The parameter properties has an invalid value". So I am guessing parameters=resource needs to be fixed. I will look more into that.


for resource in resource_client.resources.list():
    if resource.id.split('/')[4] == 'Build':
        if resource.type == 'Microsoft.Web/sites':
            print('resource.id: ', resource.id)
            print('resource_group_name: ', resource.id.split('/')[4])
            print('resource_provider_namespace: ', resource.id.split('/')[6])
            print('parent_resource_path: ', '')
            print('resource_type: ', str(resource.type).split('/')[-1])
            print('resource_name: ', resource.name)
            print('api_version: ', resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
            if not resource.tags:
                resource.tags = {}
                resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'
                resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'

            # This solves the error 400 Client Error: Bad Request. The parameter properties has an invalid value. 
            if not resource.properties:
                resource.properties = {}

                resource_group_name= resource.id.split('/')[4], # Extract from resource.id
                resource_provider_namespace=resource.id.split('/')[6], # Extract from resource.id
                parent_resource_path='', # Extract from resource.id
                resource_type=str(resource.type).split('/')[-1], # Extract from resource type
                api_version=resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource),

For some odd reason, if the resource.properties is None, the requests does not like it. It has to be {}.

Thank you for your help Travis! I will post more questions as I work on Azure SDK ;)


1 Answers


If you are using the Python SDK, you can generally add tags to a resource using that resource's create_or_update method. These methods take an object called parameters which is generally the object type of the resource you are interested in. This is where you will find tags.

For example to tag a virtual network:

from azure.mgmt.network.models import VirtualNetwork

vnet = client.virtual_networks.get(resource_group_name, vnet_name)
vnet.tags = {'a':'b'}
client.virtual_networks.create_or_update(resource_group_name, virtual_network_name, vnet)

Additionally, you can tag your resource through Xplat-Cli using (for this example) the azure network vnet set -t {tags} command.

You can tag resource groups using azure group set -t {tags} and resources generically using azure resource set -t {tags}.

Hopefully that helps.

UPDATE (8/26/16)

Getting API versions can be tricky. You would think it would just be part of the generic resource object, but for some reason it's not. However, try something like this:

from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient

def resolve_resource_api(client, resource):
    """ This method retrieves the latest non-preview api version for
    the given resource (unless the preview version is the only available
    api version) """
    provider = client.providers.get(resource.id.split('/')[6])
    rt = next((t for t in provider.resource_types if t.resource_type == resource.type), None)
    if rt and len(rt) == 1 and rt[0].api_versions:
        api_version = [v for v in rt[0].api_versions if 'preview' not in v.lower()]
        return npv[0] if npv else rt[0].api_versions[0]

credentials = UserPassCredentials(
    '****@****.com',    # Your new user
    '******',  # Your password

subscription_id= '*****-***-****-****-*******'

resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)

for resource in resource_client.resources.list():
    resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'

    # avoid error 400 if properties must be set
    if not resource.properties:
        resource.properties = {}

        resource_group_name= resource.id.split('/')[4],
        parent_resource_path='', # WARNING: this will not work with child resources
        api_version=resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource),

The list operation under client.resources gives a paged list of GenericResource objects for the entire subscription. The way you posted, you looped through the resource groups one by one and then through the resources within each resource group. That will work just fine, and it will avoid you having to extract the resource group name from the ID, but I think this solution is a little cleaner.

The resolve_resource_api method uses the provider namespace and the resource type from the resource ID to look up the available API versions for that resource type using the resource provider get operation. This code (which is missing some validation) will retrieve the most recent API versions that is not a preview version (unless that is the only version available). Just arbitrarily specifying a version in a string is not going to work generally, as the different resources will have different API versions.

Also, your code specifies '' for parent path, so this would not work generally for a child resource.