I want to create tag on each resource in Azure using python.
I see this module in the docs: http://azure-sdk-for-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref/azure.mgmt.resource.resources.operations.html#azure.mgmt.resource.resources.operations.TagsOperations
create_or_update: Create a subscription resource tag list: Get a list of subscription resource tags
Seems like I can only do tag operations on resource group and not resource?
To add a tag to a resource group: Set-AzureRmResourceGroup add tags to a resource: Set-AzureRmResource
Thanks for the api lookup code, very neat. But I believe the old api that I manually put should also work. I tried your code with little modification(we might have different Azure SDK, I am using 2.0.0rc5). After adding the api function(very helpful), I still have the same error unfortunately.
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource.resources import ResourceManagementClient
def resolve_resource_api(client, resource):
""" This method retrieves the latest non-preview api version for
the given resource (unless the preview version is the only available
api version) """
provider = client.providers.get(resource.id.split('/')[6])
rt = next((t for t in provider.resource_types
if t.resource_type == '/'.join(resource.type.split('/')[1:])), None)
if rt and 'api_versions' in rt.__dict__:
#api_version = [v for v in rt[0].api_versions if 'preview' not in v.lower()]
#return npv[0] if npv else rt[0].api_versions[0]
api_version = [v for v in rt.__dict__['api_versions'] if 'preview' not in v.lower()]
return api_version[0] if api_version else rt.__dict__['api_versions'][0]
credentials = UserPassCredentials(
'****@****.com', # Your new user
'******', # Your password
subscription_id= '*****-***-****-****-*******'
resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials,
for resource in resource_client.resources.list():
#print(resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
if resource.id.split('/')[4] == 'Build':
#resource.tags = {'foo':'bar'}
if resource.type == 'Microsoft.Web/sites':
print('resource.id: ', resource.id)
print('resource_group_name: ', resource.id.split('/')[4])
print('resource_provider_namespace: ', resource.id.split('/')[6])
print('parent_resource_path: ', '')
print('resource_type: ', str(resource.type).split('/')[-1])
print('resource_name: ', resource.name)
print('api_version: ', resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'
#print(resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
resource_group_name= resource.id.split('/')[4], # Extract from resource.id
resource_provider_namespace=resource.id.split('/')[6], # Extract from resource.id
parent_resource_path='', # Extract from resource.id
resource_type=str(resource.type).split('/')[-1], # Extract from resource type
api_version=resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource),
Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python35-32\Scripts\Azure\temp.py", line 56, in parameters=resource File "C:\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\azure\mgmt\resource\resources\operations\resources_operations.py", line 408, in create_or_update raise exp msrestazure.azure_exceptions.CloudError: Operation failed with status: 'Bad Request'. Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/--***-*****-*******/resourcegroups/Build/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/build-dev?api-version=2016-03-01
I worked more and found the I am able to use the create_or_update method in the following way:
from azure.mgmt.resource.resources.models import GenericResource
location='West US',
And the response error message with your code example says that "The parameter properties has an invalid value". So I am guessing parameters=resource needs to be fixed. I will look more into that.
for resource in resource_client.resources.list():
if resource.id.split('/')[4] == 'Build':
if resource.type == 'Microsoft.Web/sites':
print('resource.id: ', resource.id)
print('resource_group_name: ', resource.id.split('/')[4])
print('resource_provider_namespace: ', resource.id.split('/')[6])
print('parent_resource_path: ', '')
print('resource_type: ', str(resource.type).split('/')[-1])
print('resource_name: ', resource.name)
print('api_version: ', resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource))
if not resource.tags:
resource.tags = {}
resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'
resource.tags['test'] = 'test1'
# This solves the error 400 Client Error: Bad Request. The parameter properties has an invalid value.
if not resource.properties:
resource.properties = {}
resource_group_name= resource.id.split('/')[4], # Extract from resource.id
resource_provider_namespace=resource.id.split('/')[6], # Extract from resource.id
parent_resource_path='', # Extract from resource.id
resource_type=str(resource.type).split('/')[-1], # Extract from resource type
api_version=resolve_resource_api(resource_client, resource),
For some odd reason, if the resource.properties is None, the requests does not like it. It has to be {}.
Thank you for your help Travis! I will post more questions as I work on Azure SDK ;)