
I'm using liquiBase 3.8.0 in springBoot. My tree of changelog files is like this:


I try to use contexts and I find strange behaviour -- if I use context in changelog-master.xml or changelog-test.xml like this (parents changelog files):

 <include file="test/changelog-test.xml" relativeToChangelogFile="true" context="!prod"/>

then liquibase doesn't fill contexts column in changelog table and contexts column is null.

But if I add attribute 'context' to 'changeSet'

<changeSet id="changelog_in_test_section" author="[email protected]" logicalFilePath="changelog-1.0.0" context="test">

After that the contexts column is filled with '!prod AND test'

I want that the contexts column is alwayes filled (if I use context attribute in parent changelog).


1 Answers


I would add this to the github issues list. Or better yet, if you have a code fix add it as a pull request. https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues