I'm using Liquibase 3.3.5 to update my database. Having contexts is a nice way to only execute specific parts of the changelog. But I don't understand, why ALL changesets are executed, when no context is provided on update. Consider the following example:
- changeset A: context=test
- changeset B: no context
- changeset C: context=prod
- executing update with context=test, will execute changeset A+B.
- executing update with context=prod, will execute changeset B+C.
- executing update with no context, will execute changeset A+B+C.
For me, this doesn't make sense at all :).
I would expect, that only changeset B will be executed, since it doesn't define a specific context.
In the Liquibase contexts example: http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/contexts.html ("Using Contexts for Test Data") they say, that one should mark the changesets for testing with "test", and executing them with giving the context "test" to apply testdata. Fine - make sense. But
"When it comes time to migrate your production database, don’t include the “test" context, and your test data not be included. "
So, if I wouldn't specify "test" context when executing production update, it would execute the "test" changesets as well, since I didn't specify a context at all.
Again, I would expect that leaving out test on update execution, would only perform the regular changesets without the test changesets.
Or I'm missing something here :)?