
I'm trying to use Yup to validate data in an array. For example, this is my initialValue:


After dynamic render the form field , the initialValue will become like this:


I want to set the validation scheme to validate the 'value' in the object only when 'required' is true.

I use this data to mock the situation:


Method that i had try:

const validationschema = yup.object().shape({
 name: yup.string().required(),
  extra: yup.lazy((value,index)=>{
    return yup.mixed().required();

There should be an error when the user submit , because the 'value' for age is empty. I not sure why, i can't really validate the 'value'. How do I change my validationschema so it can validate the 'value' ?


1 Answers


Try to validate like:

name: yup.string().required(),
extra: yup.array()
     required: yup.bool(),
     value: yup.object().when('required', {
       is: true,
       then: yup.string().required('Please, select position')

There you should check field required. If it true you validate it.