- this is a pizza form.
- When I click on a radio to select a sauce the page crashes.
- the desire is for the user to name the order.
- then only be able to select 1 type of sauce.
- then select toppings
- then submit.
- should only be able to submit after name field and selections are selected.
then to validate the form?
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import * as yup from "yup";
const formSchema = yup.object().shape({
id: yup.string().required("Required"),
name: yup
.string() .min(2, "You name should have 2 characters") .required("You don't have a name?"),
type: yup
.string() .min(3, "Must be at least 3 characters") .required("Required"),
value: yup.string().required("Required"),
const PizzaForm = () => {
// managing state for form
const [formState, setFormState] = useState({
id: "", name: "", type: "", value: "", addOns: "",
const [errors, setErrors] = useState({
id: "", name: "", type: "", value: "", addOns: "",
const [buttonDisabled, setButtonDisabled] = useState(true);
const validate = (e) => {
const value =
e.target.type === "checkbox" ? e.target.checked : e.target.name;
yup .reach(formSchema, e.target.name) .validate(e.target.value) .then((valid) => { setErrors({ ...errors, [e.target.name]: "", }); }) .catch((err) => { setErrors({ ...errors, [e.target.name]: err.errors[0], }); });
// formSubmit function
const formSubmit = (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); console.log("form submitted!", formState);
// onChange function
const onChange = (e) => {
e.persist(); validate(e); /*something wrong here, crashes when a radio is selected*/ console.log(e.target.value, e.target.checked); const value = e.target.type === "radio" ? e.target.checked : e.target.value; setFormState({ ...formState, [e.target.name]: value });
// handleChange function
const handleChange = (e) => {
e.persist(); setFormState({ ...formState, addOns: [formState.addOns, e.target.value], });
// use effect function
useEffect(() => {
formSchema.isValid(formState).then((valid) => { setButtonDisabled(!valid); });
}, [formState]);
return (
<div> <form onSubmit={formSubmit}> <label htmlFor="name"> Name Your Pizza: <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Save for future orders!" value={formState.name} onChange={onChange} /> {errors.name.length > 0 ? ( <p className="error">{errors.name}</p> ) : null} </label> <h1> Build Your Own Pizza! </h1> <label htmlFor="size"> <h3> What Size Pizza? </h3> Pizza Size: <select id="psize" name="psize"> <option value="Small">Small</option> <option value="Medium">Medium</option> <option value="Large">Large</option> <option value="Extralarge">Extra Large</option> </select> </label> <h3> Select Your Sauce: </h3> <label htmlFor="redsauce" className="redsauce"> <input type="radio" name="redsauce" value={formState.name} onChange={onChange} /> Original Red </label> <label htmlFor="garlic" className="garlic"> <input type="radio" name="garlic" value={formState.name} onChange={onChange} /> Garlic Ranch </label> <label htmlFor="bbq" className="bbq"> <input type="radio" name="bbq" value={formState.name} onChange={onChange} /> BBQ Sauce </label> <label htmlFor="spinach" className="spinach"> <input type="radio" name="spinach" value={formState.name} onChange={onChange} /> Spinach Alfredo </label> <h3> Select Your Toppings: </h3> <label htmlFor="toppings"> Toppings: Plain <input id="toppings1" type="checkbox" name="addOns" value={formState.name} onChange={handleChange} /> <h3> Select Your Cheese: </h3> Chedder <input id="toppings2" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Cheese <input id="toppings3" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Three Cheese <input id="toppings4" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> ExtraCheese <input id="toppings5" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> <h3> Select Your Meat: </h3> Pepporoni <input id="toppings6" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Sausage <input id="toppings7" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Canadian Bacon <input id="toppings8" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Spicy Italian Sausage <input id="toppings9" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> GrilledChicken <input id="toppings10" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> <h3> Select Other Toppings: </h3> Onions <input id="toppings11" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Green Peppers <input id="toppings12" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Diced Tomatoes <input id="toppings13" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Black Olives <input id="toppings14" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Roasted Garlic <input id="toppings15" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Artichoke Hearts <input id="toppings16" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> Pineapple <input id="toppings17" type="checkbox" name="addOns" onChange={handleChange} /> </label> <h3>Any Special Instructions?</h3> <label htmlFor="instructions"> Special Instructions: <textarea name="instructions" /> </label> <button disabled={buttonDisabled}>Submit</button> </form> </div>
); };
export default PizzaForm;
I think you should edit your question. Code is hard to read actually
– user7637140
1 Answers
const formSchema = yup.object().shape({
id: yup.string().required("Required"),
name: yup.string().min(2, "You name should have 2 characters")
.required("You don't have a name?"),
type: yup.string().min(3, "Must be at least 3 characters").required("Required"),
value: yup.string().required("Required"),
Your schema looks like this. I have fixed this error in my code by adding the property yup is complaining about and by defining its type as per type the error is throwing. In your case it is 'spinach' of type object
so add the following line to your yup schema:
spinach: yup.object()
set it as required if you consider it required
spinach: yup.object().required("Required"),
Your form contains this field and the yup schema does not.
Usually i did not notice that it was required to have all property names listed in the schema. The time i had this error is when i was switching between 2 schemas to submit a full object or a draft version. The draft version didn't have some properties listed yup complained about.