I'm having fun coding simple OpenGL demos and I recently decided to use Lua with my C++ engine in order to change the rendering dynamically without having to recompile on and on my project. Thus I can tweak more easily the rendering algorithm. But I know that my current rendering update functions are probably far from being efficient.
For the moment, I'm transfering a matrix from C++ to Lua, modifying it in a Lua script and sending it back to my C++ rendering engine. But I'm reloading the Lua script each time I get an update call from the C++ engine, and I'm losing all of the variable context. That means I'm always starting from scratch and my rendering is far from being smooth. I include some code sample below to explain what I'm doing. I am currently learning Lua with C++ embedding, so I know I still don't have the best practices.
function transform(m)
amplitude = 1.5
frequency = 500
phase = 0.0
r = {}
for i = 1, #m do
r[i] = {}
for j = 1, #m[i] do
if (i % 2) then
r[i][j] = amplitude * math.sin(m[i][j] + phase)
r[i][j] = -amplitude * math.sin(m[i][j] + phase)
phase = phase + 0.001
return r
-- called by c++
function update()
m = pull()
r = transform(m)
// pull matrix from lua point of view
static int pull(lua_State * _L)
_push(_L, &_m);
return 1;
// push matrix from lua point of view
static int push(lua_State * _L)
// get number of arguments
int n = lua_gettop(_L);
if(1 == n) {
_pull(_L, 1, &_m);
return 1;
void matrix::load_file(char * file, char * function)
int status;
// load the file containing the script we are going to run
status = luaL_loadfile(_L, file);
switch (status) {
case LUA_OK:
std::cout << "LUA_ERRFILE: " << lua_error(_L) << std::endl;
std::cout << "LUA_ERRSYNTAX: " << lua_error(_L) << std::endl;
std::cout << lua_error(_L) << std::endl;
lua_getglobal(_L, function);
status = lua_pcall(_L, 1, 1, 0);
if (status != LUA_OK) {
std::cout << "error running file" << lua_error(_L) << std::endl;
void matrix::update()
load_file("lua/update.lua", "update");
I'm thinking of passing some arguments when calling the update() function, but I'm wondering if the C++ to Lua then back to C++ approach is correct and efficient. Especially considering the fact that I might transfer and modify huge matrix in Lua. I probably lack some embedded Lua knowledge to keep context while loading a script. Do you have some general advice on how I would improve my code ? I know that my current approach is overly complicated.
look like? – BotjeluaL_loadfile
, why not just save the loaded chunk into a global variable? – DarkWiiPlayer