I want to use a global lua_State* variable in my program, initializing it through a initLua() function and use it to run some Lua functions from main(). When I try it, the Lua code simply won't run. In the future, I want to use an array of Lua states to implement multithreading, where each thread has it's own Lua state.
When I initialize the Lua state inside main(), everything works fine. I'm running W10.
inside cfg.lua:
function teste()
return 10;
in C++, used to set the global state variable *L:
void initLua(lua_State *L) {
L = luaL_newstate();
luaL_dofile(L, "./cfg.lua");
In main()
, int foo(L)
calls the teste()
function from Lua, and the result is printed.
should be printed, but nothing happens when the state variable is being initialized outside main()