I write (own lang -> JS) transpiler, using ANTLR (javascript target using visitor).
Focus is on variations, in target code generation.
An earlier SO post, described solution to a simpler situation. This one being different, primarily due to recursion being involved.
grammar Alang;
variableDeclaration : DECL (varDecBl1 | varDecBl2) EOS;
varDecBl1 : ID AS TYP;
varDecBl2 : CMP ID US (SGST varDecBl1+ SGFN);
DECL : 'var-declare' ;
EOS : ';' ;
SGST : 'segment-start:' ;
SGFN : 'segment-finish' ;
AS : 'as';
CMP : 'cmp';
US : 'using';
: 'str'
| 'int'
| 'bool'
ID : [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;
Two different cases of source code needs to be handled differently.
Source code 1:
var-declare fooString as str;
target of which needs to come out as: var fooString;
Source code 2:
var-declare cmp barComplex using
barF1 as int
barF2 as bool
barF3 as str
target of this one has to be: var barComplex = new Map();
(as simple var declaration can't handle value type)
code generation done using:
visitVarDecBl1 = function(ctx) {
this.targetCode += `var ${ctx.getChild(0).getText()};`;
return this.visitChildren(ctx);
visitVarDecBl2 = function(ctx) {
this.targetCode += `var ${ctx.getChild(1).getText()} = new Map();`;
return this.visitChildren(ctx);
consolidates the target code)
Above works for case 1.
For case 2, it ends up going beyond var barComplex = new Map()
, due to recursive use of rule varDecBl1
, which invokes visitVarDecBl1
code gen implement again.
Wrong outcome:
var barComplex = new Map();
var barF1; // <---- wrong one coming from visitVarDecBl1
var barF2; // <---- wrong
var barF3; // <---- wrong
To deal with this, one approach that I want to try, is to make visitVarDecBl1
conditional to parent ctx.
If parent = variableDeclaration
, target code = var ${ctx.getChild(0).getText()};
If parent = varDecBl2
, skip generation of code.
But I can't find invoking rule within ctx payload, that I can string compare.
Using something like ctx.parentCtx
gives me [378 371 204 196 178 168]
Inputs welcome. (including proposal of a better approach, if any)