
I'm stuck with an error and i have no idea where I am going wrong i tried running the signal with qapp aswell just to make sure it isn't the signal, and that was all fine. I have the SLOT declared as a public slot in my header file.

signal declaration:

void editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> points, QPolygonF &);

this is my connect:

  connect(this, SIGNAL(editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> &, QPolygonF &)), parent, SLOT(editPolygon(QVector <QPointF> points, CustomPolygon *poly)));

this is my slot thats emmiting the signal:

void CustomPolygon::editPolygons()
    QVector<QPointF> points;
    QPolygonF poly = mapToScene(polygon());

    emit editPolygon(points,poly);

and this is the void in mainwindow.cpp:

void MainWindow::editPolygon(QVector<QPointF> &points, CustomPolygon *poly)

thanks for you help in advance!

are you still using Qt4? if not use the modern syntax. Can you paste your signal declaration?cppiscute
hi, ive pasted my declaration at the top, also yes I shall look into the new syntax nowjaykay
Its not to be interpreted that "new" Qt's SIGNAL/SLOT syntax can work / while old doesn't .. the issue behind the error you get (No such signal) is because Signal/Slot function signatures should exactly matchMohammad Kanan

1 Answers


The first thing I would do is look very hard at the discrepancy in the second parameter of your signal/slot match.

One is QPolygon& and the other is CustomPolygon*. My understanding is that these had to match. Even if one were a proper subclass of the other, I don't think you can mix references and pointers like that.

And,regarding your (slightly paraphrased) comment:

My slot has to stay as a pointer because it points to an item that is being deleted from a QGraphicsScene.

My signal cant be a pointer because there is no conversion from a QPolygonF to a QPolygonF *, and I require QPolygonF to mapToScene.

I think I understand what you're saying, and there are a couple of issues.

If your slot takes a pointer that will be freed, you have to give it a pointer, and relinquish control of the object behind it (so either start with a dynamically allocated copy you're willing to let go of, or make a dynamically allocated copy from something you don't want to let go of).

And I'm not sure why you think there's no conversion from the object to a pointer to that object. I suppose that's technically true since the class itself doesn't provide a conversion, but this is really part of the base language:

Type thing;
Type *pointerToThing = &thing;

Both those issues should be solvable with something like:

QVector<QPointF> points;
QPolygonF thisIsMyPoly = mapToScene(polygon());
QploygonF *thisIsPolyForFreeing = new QPolygonF(thisIsMyPoly);
emit editPolygon(points, thisIsPolyForFreeing);

Your signal will still have to be changed to use a pointer rather than a reference and, hopefully, that will alleviate the mismatch.

If your pointer is an actual pointer to a QPolygonF that cannot be copied (because it's the pointer to the actual item being held in the QGraphicsScene and you therefore need the original pointer to remove it), I think you should just be able to pass that pointer as-is, assuming mapToScene() is returning a reference to it rather than a copy:

QPolygonF poly = mapToScene(polygon()); // get ref.
emit editPolygon(points, &poly);        // pass ref's address.