I've seen alot of examples online about signals and slots, but none that show you how to emit a signal from your mainwindow class and connect into another slot of another window class. Assume the signal emitted from the mainwindow is a bool type and if it's a 1, I want to connect it to another slot from some other class. I've always seen it done the other way around. Can someone explain the most efficient way to accomplish this?
1 Answers
First, you need to inherit your own mainwindow, then add the Q_OBJECT macro and a signals section:
class myMainWindow : public QMainWindow
void mySignal(bool someValue);
When you want to signal to be executed in your window code, you'd use
emit mySignal(true); // or false....
Then, you connect as usual:
connect(myWindowInstace, SIGNAL(mySignal(bool), someOtherWidget, SLOT(takesMySignal(bool));