I have created a bot for teams and added it to a channel (testChannel1) as a tab (using a configuration page). I have received a ConversationUpdate event to my server. When I try to send message using the context object that I have received in ConversationUpdate event the message was sent in General channel instead of testChannel1. I have added my bot to testChannel1 but I dont know why the message is sent in General. I am also not able to get the channels list using that context object it is throwing error Error: This method is only valid within the scope of a MS Teams Team.
contextActivityObject :- {
"membersAdded": [
"id": "28:[guid]"
"type": "conversationUpdate",
"timestamp": "2020-04-24T12:00:06.7125247Z",
"id": "f:[guid]",
"channelId": "msteams",
"serviceUrl": "https://smba.trafficmanager.net/in/",
"from": {
"id": "29:[id]",
"aadObjectId": "[guid]"
"conversation": {
"isGroup": true,
"conversationType": "channel",
"tenantId": "[guid]",
"id": "19:aba[id]@thread.tacv2"
"recipient": {
"id": "28:[guid]",
"name": "teststandups"
"channelData": {
"team": {
"aadGroupId": "[guid]",
"name": "nikhilp",
"id": "19:aba[id]@thread.tacv2"
"eventType": "teamMemberAdded",
"tenant": {
"id": "[guid]"
The scope I have provided for my bot is Team
I would be thankful for any help
const context = new TurnContext(adapter, activity); TeamsInfo.getTeamChannels(context).then(res => console.log(res)).catch(err => console.log(err));
– Nikhil Ponduri