I'm trying to send a private message to a user on teams.
I've checked several resources, but still have problems.
Using this sampel https://github.com/OfficeDev/msteams-samples-proactive-messaging I've tried the following.
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite 5000
Upload manifest.zip to teams
Update coordinate-logger/appsettings
Run coordinate-logger
dotnet run -- sendUserMessage --app-id="{{Bot Id}}" --app-password="{{Bot Password}}" --service-url="{{ServiceUrl}}" --conversation-id="{{Conversation Id}}" --message="Send Message to a User"
Bot Id = appId
Bot Password = secret
service-url = ngrok host ( ngrok http://e4438bf4e8ed.ngrok.io )
conversation-id = my user's team guid
I'm getting 404 on http://e4438bf4e8ed.ngrok.io/v3/conversations/xxxxxxx-59c1-45d2-829d-069fefda33bf/activities
Am I missing something?