I want define a custom hotkey to rename a selected file in File Explorer. So my new hotkey should behave exactly like the F2 key does by default. That is, when I press the hotkeys, the file name should be editable, allowing me to type a new name. However, I can't use the F2 key to cause windows to do this.
The reason is that I'm using the default hotkeys for something else. I am often running an application (unrelated to AutoHotKey) where the buttons in the UI are triggered using keyhooking for all of the F keys. The only suggestions that I can find on this are to have my custom hotkey use 'send' to raise the default key codes that would be associated with the action. This won't work, because I am using those hotkeys for something else. What I need is a solution that causes a file to be renameable without sending the F2 keycode.
Send {F2} ;This won't work for me