
My company has pushed a horrible app that has a default hotkey of ^!c, with no way to change it or to kill the app. This is my favorite key combo for my clipboard manager :) I have managed to block the app coming up with autohotkey, but ideally I would like to have it bring up my clipboard manager like it always has. I have tried several things. Autohotkey remapping ^!c to a different hotkey for the app doesn't seem to work, and just launching the clipboard manager exe doesn't work on any I've tried.

Is there a way to send a command to any clipboard managers aside from its hotkey? Am I correct in that remapping the key doesn't work, or is there some way around this?

If I map my clipboard manager to !F2, this doesn't bring it up, it just blocks the offending app:

Please provide some more background informationBenvorth
What do you mean "it just blocks" the offending app? What blocks it?bgmCoder
Can you change the shortcut in your clipboard manager?Michelfrancis Bustillos

1 Answers


This AutoHotkey script should achieve what you're looking for.

The idea is this: currently win+r opens the Run dialog, I want win+r to open/activate Notepad instead, and to assign an alternative hotkey for the Run dialog.

To interact with rather than open the clipboard manager, should most probably require the use of PostMessage/SendMessage or ControlSend, and DetectHiddenWindows, On.

Note: if you were able to change the shortcut key on your clipboard manager to a shortcut key you never use, perhaps Ctrl+Alt+D, then SendInput ^!d would trigger the program.

So you would change the hotkeys and edit/replace the Notepad lines below, to suit your requirements.

;tested on Windows 7

IfWinExist, ahk_class Notepad
WinActivate, ahk_class Notepad
Run, "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"

SendInput #r