
During the upgrade we changed from http to https. I cannot get this to connect with the new https URL, I get error tf31002: Unable to connect. One odd thing is I can connect Visual Studio 2015 on this machine to the new URL with no issues. I am using TFS 2015.4.2. I know I need to get rid of XAML builds, but these are the last of them. Out of over 1000 builds we have these 10 or so XAML builds left.

Do you mean you upgrade your TFS 2015 to Azure DevOps Server 2019, and set up HTTPS for the Azure DevOps Server 2019? And do you mean you want to config TFS 2015 Build Service to connect to Azure DevOps Server 2019?Cece Dong - MSFT
Please provide more details about how you connect TFS 2015 XAML build agent to Azure DevOps Server 2019, screenshots would be better. In addition, we encourage you to migrate your XAML builds.Cece Dong - MSFT

1 Answers


If you set up HTTPS for your on-premise server, you need to follow the following link to install the Certificate and update Build Configurations:


We encourage you to migrate your XAML builds:
