We will be upgrading to Visual Studio 2017 on our build server shortly, but I will still be using TFS 2015 XAML builds for our continuous integration.
I was told at one point in another thread (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/de9449dd-25ee-4170-8937-62552a2f0dd1/tfs-2017-upgrade-and-preexisting-xaml-builds?forum=tfsgeneral), which has since been archived that this combination is still possible. I just have to pass a build flag, /p:visualstudioversion:15.0, in the XAML Build Definition. At that time, we were going to have Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 installed on the same build server, hence the need for the flag, but I have since changed my mind and will be creating a new server solely using VS 2017.
So, my question is, on this new box, with TFS 2015 XAML used and Visual Studio 2017 installed do I still have to use this VS version MSBuild flag to tell the build which version to use or is that not needed as there will be no other version of VS on the machine?
Any information is GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks in advance.