
After updating to TFS 2017 Update 2 RC1, my builds are failing because Visual Studio 2017 (MSBuild 15.0) is not found. I am using the 'Visual Studio Build' task with 'Latest' selected as the Visual Studio version.

  • I have reinstalled Visual Studio Build Tools 2017.
  • I have repaired my TFS installation.
  • I have reinstalled my Build Agent.
  • I have verified that my Build Agent has Visual Studio 2017 and MSBuild 15.0 capabilities.

The only way I am able to get a successful build is to replace my 'Visual Studio Build' tasks with 'MSBuild', and manually direct to the MSBuild executable. I don't find this acceptable, I have too many Build configurations that would need to be changed. And when the next version of MSBuild comes out, I have to manually update them all.

Build Agent Capabilities: MSBuild Visual Studio


1 Answers


Suggest you directly select VS2017 instead of latest in the VS version option, then trigger the build again. enter image description here

To narrow down the issue, you could try below ways:

  • Create a new build definition with the same settings to build the project
  • Use the build definition to build another Visual Studio 2017 project such as a new created one
  • Enable TFS Build debug logging by adding a variable named system.debug and setting its value to 'true'. This will enable full debug logging to correct more info.