I am using Twilio to communicate with my users via SMS. I have my own web application that reads the incoming Twilio message. I use a web hook for that purpose. I am able to read the incoming message and process it in my web application.
I would like to send out survey questions periodically during the day to the same number. I researched the Studio flow for this purpose. It looks like a good option to write a survey.
I have a doubt though. In twilio console I added my url as a web hook to receive all sms messages. If I build a studio flow then how do I use that. I already have a web hook but I also want to do a survey using the same twilio phone number. Is there a way to do this in Twilio.
What I want to achieve is I receive SMS from a twilio number all through the day using a web hook. Every 2 hours or so I would like to send out a survey question to the same twilio number and process the answer in my end. What is the best approach to do this? I use c# and .net core to write my web app.
Thank you