
I am trying to complete a sample SMS app with Twilio where I send a SMS message to my Twilio number and the Twilio service sends me back a reply. I know the Twilio service is reaching my API because I can see the incoming request from Twilio reaching my API and I can see the response of my API, but I think somethng is wrong, as I never get an SMS response back.

public IHttpActionResult EchoTest()
    string response = "<Response><Sms>Thanks for the message</Sms></Response>";
    return ResponseMessage(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter()));

I am returning the ResponseMessage so I can be consistent in returning an IHttpActionResult. I have also tried returning just HttpResponseMessage as seen below with the same results.

public HttpResponseMessage EchoTest()
    string response = "<Response><Sms>Thanks for the message</Sms></Response>";
    Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter());

This is what my API is sending back ...

 xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">&lt;Response&gt;&lt;Sms&gt;Thanks for the message&lt;/Sms&gt;&lt;/Response&gt;

Am I messing up the XML response? What I am looking to send back to Twilio is this ...

<Response><Sms>Thanks for the message</Sms></Response>

1 Answers


See webpage : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh969056(v=vs.118).aspx Try this

XElement response = XElement.Parse("<Response><Sms>Thanks for the message</Sms></Response>");
    Request.CreateResponse<XElement>(request, HttpStatusCode.OK, response);