In Neo4j, is it faster to run a query against all nodes (AllNodesScan) and then filter on their labels with a WHERE clause, or to run multiple queries with a NodeByLabelScan?
To illustrate, I want all nodes that are labeled with one of the labels in label_list:
label_list = ['label_1', 'label_2', ...]
Which would be faster in an application (this is pseudo-code):
for label in label_list:
run.query("MATCH (n:{label}) return n")
run.query("MATCH (n) WHERE (n:label_1 or n:label_2 or ...)")
Actually, I just realized that the best option might be to run multiple NodeByLabelScan in a single query, with something looking like this:
MATCH (a:label_1)
MATCH (b:label_2)
UNWIND [a, b ..] as foo
Could someone speak to it?