Neo4j and Cypher version 2.2.0. I'm querying Neo4j as an in-memory instance in Eclipse created TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase();. I'm using this approach as it seems faster than the embedded version and I assume it has the same functionality. My graph database is randomly generated programmatically with varying numbers of nodes.
I generate cypher queries automatically. These queries are used to try and identify a single 'target' node. I can limit the possible matches of the queries by using known 'node' properties. I only use a 'name' property in this case. If there is a known name for a node, I can use it to find the node id and use this in the start clause. As well as known names, I also know (for some nodes) if there are names known not to belong to a node. I specify this in the where clause.
The sorts of queries that I am running look like this...
nvari = node(5)
NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf']) AND NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
Another way to think about this (if it helps), is that this is an isomorphism testing problem where we have some information about how nodes in a query and target graph correspond to each other based on restrictions on labels.
With regards to optimisation:
- Would it help to include relation variables in the match clause? I took them out because the node variables are sufficient to distinguish between relationships but this might slow it down?
Should I restructure the match clause to have match/where couples including the where clauses from my previous example first? My expectation is that they can limit possible bindings early on. For example...
nvari = node(5)
WHERE NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf'])
WHERE NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
On the side:
- (Less important but still an interest) If I make each relationship in a match clause an optional match except for relationships containing the target node, would cypher essentially be finding a maximum common sub-graph between the query and the graph data base with the constraint that the MCS contains the target node?
Thanks a lot in advance! I hope I have made my requirements clear but I appreciate that this is not a typical use-case for Neo4j.