
I am trying to run Liquibase from a Docker Container. I found the run statement, but when I run, it exits almost immediately so the container is no longer running. This is the command i am using. Thanks!

docker run liquibase/liquibase --driver=org.postgresql.Driver --classpath=/usr/share/java/postgresql.jar --url="jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal/mydb" --changeLogFile=changelog.xml --username=user --password=superobviouspwd generateChangeLog

did you have a look at the liquibase container's log yet to potentially figure out the root cause? docker ps -a followed by docker logs <container-name>Tommy Brettschneider

1 Answers


Just for others that may be looking for the answer to this question, it was answered here in the liquibase forums.

To try and summarize the changelog was referencing a windows path "C:.." and the Docker container is using *nix pathing "/some/file/oer/there".