I have an excel tool that uses feed from 11 different raw data files generated from reporting system to do some calculations on that data.
The process is very simple: - open file - filter contents - copy filtered contents - paste into another file (the summary tool's tab)
As the amounts of data and individual files rose I started getting more issues with memory.Hence my question - what is the most memory and speed efficient way to copy/paste these tables?
(...).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=(...) - I haven't found the way to include XLValues parameter for this (I want to minimise the resources taken up by copying formatting, there are no formulas)
using defined ranges for the copy/paste purpose (name range with xlCellTypeVisible parameter, converting to another range to get the values only and sending the range to destination) - that would require additional variables for the ranges
plain old Columns(...).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy and Range.("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues - this method has both "only visible cells" and "paste values only" bits that I'm looking for, but it uses the clipboard as a middleman and I guess this is eating up my memory
Maybe there is yet another method that I don't know of?
Appreciate any insights!