I am running a VBA macro that involves multiple copy-paste processes. However, using .copy (destination) give a "Copy method of Range class failed." Here's that code.
Dim Prop As Range
Dim propo As Range
Set Prop = sha.Range("B6")
Set propo = Sheets("Summary").Range("B1")
Prop.Copy (propo)
However, I have found an odd work-around to this issue. Instead of .copy (destination) I use .copy and then .PasteSpecial:
Dim Prop As Range
Dim propo As Range
Set Prop = sha.Range("B6")
Set propo = Sheets("Summary").Range("B1")
propo.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Any idea why this was necessary? I would prefer to keep it simple going forward.
around propo – Scott Craner