I'm trying to configure an ADF self-hosted integration runtime to be shared with another ADF in the same RG. I'm getting the following error:
(I removed the id specifics)
Error occurred when grant permission to [Object-ID]. Error: {"error":{"code":"AuthorizationFailed","message":"The client [My-Username] with object id [object-id] does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/[object-id]/resourcegroups/DataEngineering-RG/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/[Data Factory Name]/integrationRuntimes/[IR-Name]/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/[Role Object ID]' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials."}}
Question- what role is required for me to be able to perform this action and at what level does that access need to be granted (eg. Subscription Level, RG level, ADF Level)?
Note: I have Azure Data Factory Contributor level access currently.
Thanks in advance