I'm currently trying to implement some basic Prolog queries in Tau-Prolog. Although I have working queries in SWI-Prolog, I can't implement them to work in Tau-Prolog. I would like to return the name of all Robots that are in the database and have the Interface "B". Is there something important I am missing here? I think that sub_string/5 might be the reason why it's not working. It also won't work when I paste the Code into the trial interpreter on http://tau-prolog.org/
Does anyone know a way to fix this query so it could work in Tau-Prolog? Thanks in advance!
var session = pl.create(1000)
var database = `
robot('Roboter1','A', 1, 550).
robot('Roboter2','C', 2, 340).
robot('Roboter3','B', 2, 430).
robot('Roboter4','A', 2, 200).
robot('Roboter5','B', 3, 260).
function start_query_RwB(){
function query_RwB(){
var queryRwB = "queryRwB :-write('Interface B has: '),robot(Name, Interface,_,_),sub_string(Interface,_,_,_,'B'),write(Name),nl, fail."
var code_pl = database.concat(queryRwB);
var parsed = session.consult(code_pl)
var query = session.query('queryRwB.')
function inform(msg) {
show_result4.innerHTML += msg
session.current_output.stream.put = inform;
var callback = function(answer) {