There, I've been trying this issue for over 2 days now and have got nothing to show for it. Therefore, would appreciate some help on this issue.
Issue: Attempting to assert a new predicate using Tau Prolog for Javascript returns a false result. The exact same query results in True when using SWI-Prolog.
The program is taken from a textarea
in a HTML page. Everything is local on a single computer only.
**Prolog rules**
<textarea class="example-textinput example-program" id="program">
breads([parmesan, honeywheat]).
**Javascript in the same HTML page**
var session = pl.create();
var program = document.getElementById("program").value;
function show() {
// Return callback function
return function (answer) {
// Valid answer
if (pl.type.is_substitution(answer)) {
// Get the value of the food
var output = answer.lookup("X");
What I've attempted: Declaring dynamic predicates in Prolog. E.g
<textarea class="example-textinput example-program" id="program">
breads([parmesan, honeywheat]).
:- dynamic chosen_meats/1.
Changing to asserta, assertz and assert
, when calling the query.
Result: In the callback function show(), false is always getting printed out whenever asserting is attempted.
TermĀ {ref: 6065, id: "throw", args: Array(1), indicator: "throw/1"}
is printed out whenever a query of chosen_meats(X).
is done.
However, normal predicate calling such as
gives the correct output at
, when tostring method is used.
Edit: Online Tau Prolog gives the same issue Error has been expanded as :
error parsing program: error(syntax_error('. or operator expected'), [line(1), column(11), found(client)])
:-dynamic client/1.