I am using react native with react-navigation v4
I have a home screen and a welcome screen. I am using redux to store the user that is logged in. In the welcome screen (before the user logs in), I reset the user to null like this:
useEffect(() => {
On my home screen (after the user logs in), I navigate to the welcome screen with a logout button the following way:
onPress={() => {
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [
NavigationActions.navigate({routeName: "Welcome"}),
// navigationData.navigation.pop();
// navigationData.navigation.navigate({routeName: "Welcome"});
After I run this, I get an error whenever i press the logout button
Since the user is now null and on the home screen I have the following code <Text style={styles.text}>Welcome, {currentUser.username}!</Text>
, I am getting an error that null does not have the attribute username since currentUser is now null.
I do not understand why the home screen will not unmount and is being rendered when i reset the stack and navigated to the welcome screen. What could be the issue here?