I'm trying to do auth sign-out with react-native and am experiencing an issue where I want to reset the state of the redux store but, because I am using react-navigation, I have a bunch of redux-connected screens that are still mounted that re-render when the state tree is reset to it's initialState causing a bunch of exception errors. I tried to unmount them on sign-out with a react-navigation reset which redirects the user to the signup/login screen but I have no way of knowing when these screens are actually unmounted in order to call the RESET_STATE
action. Initially I was dispatching the action via saga.
import { LOGOUT, RESET_STATE } from 'Actions/user';
// clear localstorage once user logs out.
const clearData = function* clearData(action) {
yield put(
index: 0,
actions: [
NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'SignedOut' })
// causes re-renders, screens still mounted
yield put({type: RESET_STATE});
export default function* logoutSaga () {
yield all([
yield takeEvery(LOGOUT, clearData),
I also tried to reset once user reaches the SignedOut screen in it's componentDidMount cycle but unfortunately the screens unmount at some point well after componentDidMount is triggered:
import { resetState } from 'Actions/user';
import ActionButton from 'Components/FormElements/ActionButton';
class SignedOut extends Component {
// screens are still mounted, causing screens from
// previous screens to throw exception errors
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
// never called
handleSignup = () => {
handleLogin = () => {
render() {
text="Sign Up"
text="Log In"
export default connect()(SignedOut);
My question is, can anyone think of a way to reset state of redux store after all of my screens have finally unmounted by the react-navigation reset action?