
I have two pipelines on azure devops that do the following:


  • Asks the user for the desire branch name and ticket id (from our ticketing system). Using two "settable at queue time" variables.
  • Gets the files from the specified branch name, builds the project and generate the artifacts that are later use by the RELEASE pipeline


This release pipeline is being triggered by the completion of the BUILD pipeline specified before. This pipeline completes the following tasks:

  • Creates new app service slot using an Azure CLI command task. In this task I need the ticket id, in order to create the slot with the corresponding ticket id as its name

  • Deploy the application to the created app service slot

I haven't found a way to pass to the RELEASE pipeline the ticket id the user entered when running the BUILD pipeline that triggered this RELEASE.


1 Answers


Unfortunately, there's no such a build-in function in Azure DevOps. While thanks to Martin Hinshelwood, we had an extension- Variable Tools for Azure DevOps Services to achieve the goal.

As you can see in the extension's doc, add a Variable Save Task in your build pipeline and a Variable Load Task in your release pipeline. After these two tasks, the variables are fully passed to your release.

Check below as reference:

enter image description here

enter image description here