I'm trying to query a Hive view with Redshift Spectrum but it gives me this error:
SQL Error [500310] [XX000]: [Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: Assert
error: Assert
code: 1000
context: loc->length() > 5 && loc->substr(0, 5) == "s3://" -
query: 12103470
location: scan_range_manager.cpp:272
process: padbmaster [pid=1769]
Is is possible to query Hive views from Redshift Spectrum? I'm using Hive Metastore (not Glue Data Catalog).
I wanted to have a view to restrict access to the original table, with a limited set of columns and partitions. And also because my original table (Parquet data) has some Map fields so I wanted to do something like that to make it easier to query from Redshift as Map fields are a bit complicated to deal with in Redshift:
CREATE view my_view AS
SELECT event_time, event_properties['user-id'] as user_id, event_properties['product-id'] as product_id, year, month, day
FROM my_events
WHERE event_type = 'my-event' -- partition
I can query the table my_events from Spectrum but it's a mess because properties is a Map field, not a Struct so I need to kind of explode it into several rows in Redshift.