
I've been trying to unload some data from Redshift to the S3 bucket. Except I've been getting the following error:

Amazon Invalid operation: cannot drop active portal; [SQL State=XX000, DB Errorcode=500310]

To note the Redshift and S3 are in 2 different buckets so I specified the region within the unload.

I've tried looking it up, it mentions that I can't drop the table.

So I created a "test" table that I am 100% certain is not connected to any view or other but I still get the same error.

I tried also troubleshooting through AWSQuickSolutions: Redshift Table Can’t Be Dropped or Drop Table Hangs except I do not have access to svv_table_info.

Is there any way to do the unload?

I'm confused. You talk about wanting to UNLOAD table (which means exporting the data to S3), but then you talk about dropping the table. Which operation do you wish to perform?John Rotenstein
I want to make a copy of the data I have in redshift to S3 so that then I can download the csv. I can't do it in SQL workbench since my memory won't allow it. I searched online that the unload would do that. Except I get the error I posted. When I search for the error it talks about table drops which confuses me.ivb1
Are you using the Redshift UNLOAD command? (Can you show us your command?) Does it work if you unload to a bucket in the same region? Unloading has nothing to do with dropping tables.John Rotenstein
This is happening for me, too. I worked around it by running the UNLOAD from a different app, in my case the Query Editor in the Redshift console.nofinator
I was successful by restarting the sessiondarekarsam

5 Answers


reporting @nofinator reply since it worked for me and may be helpful for someone else too:

By running the UNLOAD from a different app, in my case the Query Editor in the Redshift Console, resolved the exception Amazon Invalid operation: cannot drop active portal


OK, so I ran into the same problem. None of the known solutions applied to my issue because:

1) The cluster was on the same region as the S3 bucket I created

2) I tried running the UNLOAD command via python, cli, and redshift with the same results.

3) I tried adding a bucket policy for the redshift role

4) I tried running the unload command using for arns (the redshift role and the s3 role)

Finally, I got it to work. What changed? I was now directly on my company's network instead of using VPN which is when I experienced this issue.

What finally worked for me:

UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM table where EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_datetime_utc )=2019')   
              to 's3://bucket/' 
              REGION 'us-east-1'
                iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0000000000:role/RedshiftCopyUnload,arn:aws:iam::0000000000:role/S3Access'
              parallel off
              delimiter as '\t' 

I had the same issue yesterday. At least in my incident, there was a sev-2 in Data-Warehouse. I use Amazon DWP that's used by Amazon retail, so not sure if this is the same service used by AWS.

tldr; It's possible this is a server issue within the provider of the redshift.


I had this issue after I modified IAM permissions on the role. Unfortunately I had to reboot the cluster and then my UNLOAD command worked.


I don't know what exactly caused this error but I was getting it after a failed unload.

I disconnect then reconnect my sql client and got it to work. not super convenient but better than restarting the cluster.