I have a form that contains checkboxes. When each checkbox is checked or unchecked, it executes a .change
function which calls a .post
function. This .post
function kicks off a PHP script that updates a database that either sets a status to a 1 (checked) or 0 (unchecked).
This works fine when I am checking or unchecking each checkbox one by one, but when I try to use a check/uncheck-all jquery function which checks or unchecks each of these checkboxes all at once, it seems as though the .change
function does not get processed for each changed checkbox and the database is not updated.
Here's the code that "listens" for the .change:
$('.location_check').change( function () {
// If the checkbox has been changed to "checked", then run the job to set the db to 1 for that row
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
var $report_f = $(this).attr("name");
$.post('processes/updateLocationReportFlag.php', { record: $report_f, value: 1 });
// If the checkbox has been changed to "not checked", then run the job to set the db to 0 for that row
if ($(this).is(':not(:checked)')) {
var $report_f = $(this).attr("name");
$.post('processes/updateLocationReportFlag.php', { record: $report_f, value: 0 });
Here's the code I'm using to check/uncheck all:
$('#location_checkall').click( function () {
$(this).parents('#locations_frame').find(':checkbox').attr('checked', this.checked);